In 2004, demolition started of 95 council homes on the Silwood Estate, Rotherhithe. This was phases 4a & 4b (comprising Gillam House, 11-33 Debnams Rd and a council depot) of a joint regeneration with Lewisham Council. The site was handed to Notting Hill Genesis housing association, which has built 182 new homes of which 55 were approved as social rent. It has been shown that these 'social rented' homes have been delivered as affordable rent - i.e. up to 80% market rent.
The Silwood regeneration started in 2000 with SRB funding. Despite the public money Site 4b was designated as a 'private housing development' with a 35% affordable housing requirement, reflecting 'the high concentration of social housing in the area' and the introduction of private housing to promote 'mixed and sustainable communities'.