Aylesbury Phase 2B - profitable, but not viable

New viability assessment shows £13.5m profit
New viability assessment shows £13.5m profit
Plot 18 site falls short of minimum housing requirements
Second attempt to make progress on stalled Aylesbury regeneration
Council to fulfil 11,000 council home pledge through development partners
Amendment to outline planning permission quashed
Lendlease appeal against H1 planning refusal succeeds
Latest phase of troubled regeneration triggers legal challenge to Aylesbury Outline Planning Permission
Proposed lease and size of health hub left open
Council fails to enforce social housing requirement
Social rent of £295.50 challenged by Southwark Law Centre
Evidence of unaudited schemes ignored
Objectors call on Mayor to respect planning committee'sdecision.
Giant office block recommended for approval
Lendlease squeezes itself an extra plot out of Heygate redevelopment
Southwark loses 91 social rented homes in 2021
Southwark is also set to 'update' development contract with Notting Hill Genesis.
Traders' deputation seeks fair treatment from developers; urges Southwark Council to act.
Lendlease seeks to squeeze one final drop out of Southwark's regeneration of the Heygate estate.
After ten years of being wined and dined by Heygate developer Lendlease's lobbying agent, our council leader has just taken up a job with them.
Final decision from the Appeal Court goes Delancey's way
Council suddenly decides to rip up 182-page planning guidance document for the Aylesbury regeneration without any consultation.
Day of action to highlight borough's estimated 2,300 empty homes
Challenge against High Court on 16 and 17 March.
Five years on from Ombudsman's report the question mark remains.
Peckham demo to highlight the plight of the homeless
100% affordable housing, zero social rent, zero family housing
Protesters mark the final day for Elephant shopping centre
Only 40 traders have 'found new premises' as centre closure looms
Traders appeal to Mayor Sadiq Khan for his support
Council put on defensive by fierce criticism
University of the Arts ignores traders' plight
Campaigners respond to University of the Art's Black Lives Matter statement.
Notting Hill Genesis to receive £210m bailout from Southwark
Berkeley Homes threatens to reduce affordable housing at Malt Street
Law centre survey shows that nearly half of traders have nowhere to go
Southwark exercises CPO powers to clear E&C shopping centre site for Delancey
Southwark bails out Delancey by purchasing E&C shopping centre and LCC in order to override traders' and residents' legal rights.
Lendlease fails to declare public funding for affordable housing
Last phase of Heygate regeneration set for approval with increase in number of homes but no increase in affordable.
Sadiq gives the Duke of Westminster a second chance
Elephant traders to send deputation to Southwark Council Assembly
Survey shows two-thirds of current traders have nowhere to go.
Legal challenge goes to High Court next week
15 hectares of public land, 4000 new homes but affordable housing policy requirements not met.
Final phase of Heygate redevelopment proposes increase in homes, but with decrease in affordable
Southwark Council - demolishing council homes, generating better people
Third large application in a month goes to committee
Delancey looks to escape blame for its own faults
Big questions for Berkeley Homes still unanswered
Third of big four Old Kent Rd developments goes to committee
Tesco leaves, bingo hall boarded up
Shopping centre traders left out in the cold
Plans are afoot to challenge Southwark's planning consent in court.
Ten things Southwark Council should do in 2019
Delancey gets comforting letter after missing legal agreement deadline
A week of mixed fortunes for developer
Mayor's verdict due on Monday
Small progress but still not enough on traders' temporary premises
Southwark demolishing and selling off council homes faster than it's building them
Planning approval set to face legal challenge, while traders object to insufficient temporary premises
First major Old Kent Road application goes to committee
Bermondsey's Biscuit Factory redevelopment falls well short of policy requirements
E&C shopping centre application narrowly approved on developer Delancey's third attempt
GLA public funds are subsidising offshore Elephant & Castle Delancey's profit.
Developer Delancey returns for the third time.
Council leader continues to peddle untruths about affordable housing delivery.
Revised planning application still falls well short of policy requirements
Southwark pays out instead of enforcing planning conditions
Beyond the spin of Southwark Council's press office
£10m wasted buying new pseudo-council homes that should have been provided as social rent anyway
Council's share of the bumper profit from its regeneration partner is a pitiful £12m
Southwark's forgotten promises to E&C shopping centre traders
How Delancey continues to exploit the Elephant and avoid the taxman
Market Square earmarked for displaced shopping centre traders disappears
Secretary of State delivers on promise to 'robustly defend' his decision against Southwark's appeal
Council succeeds at second attempt
More boroughs found allowing developers to substitute affordable rent for social rent
979 new homes, but no social rented. No room for current shop-keepers
Ombudsman finds Council doesn't know how much social housing it's getting from developers
Council leader Peter John claims Heygate deal will provide Council with 'north of £100m profit'
Shopping Centre's major leaseholder says he's staying put
Loopholes in draft Old Kent Rd planning policy offer numerous exploits for developers
Overseas investors and the Heygate estate
Launch of our campaign to fight the Council's appeal of Aylesbury CPO decision raises over £2000 in first week
Council submits grounds of appeal while Scrutiny Committee rejects call for legal challenge to be reconsidered
Southwark's decision to challenge the Secretary of State's CPO decision has been called in by its Overview & Scrutiny Committee
First completed phase of Heygate regeneration nominated for architecture award
Council to mount legal challenge against the Secretary of State
Government blocks compulsory purchase order issued by Southwark Council on Aylesbury estate leaseholders.
Old Kent Road declared as an 'Opportunity Area' and follows the same route as Elephant & Castle regeneration.
New Heygate estate green space will be smaller than expected and privately managed.
Southwark Council blasted by Ombudsman for failing to monitor delivery of affordable housing.
This is what happens when your local football club gets taken over by a property developer.
The true value of the Heygate regeneration
GLA figures confirm our fears that Southwark is not really concerned about local housing need.
Yet again Southwark dances to the tune of Lendlease's demands at Elephant & Castle.
A trip down the Camberwell Road looking at the all the unaffordable private developments that have been approved.
Southwark Council responds to our complaint about non-delivery of affordable housing by claming that there's nothing to see here - move on!
Southwark Councillors caught selling off the family silver yet again.
David Cameron's estate clearance policies endorsed by our own Council.
More doubts arise over how much (if anything) Southwark Council will receive from its sale of the Heygate estate to Lendlease.
Southwark Council prepares yet again to use its statutory CPO powers to get rid of existing communities to further its regeneration objectives.
No more doubt about the question of what rent levels will be charged in the so-called 'social housing' replacements on the Aylesbury estate.
New evidence shows that Southwark doesn't even care if social rented housing is provided at 80% market rents.
Southwark Council seeks to re-designate its council estates as brownfield land - i.e. ripe for redevelopment.
Council leader promises to reveal confidential figures that Lendlease used to reduce affordable housing on the Heygate estate redevelopment but we won't hold our breath.
Finally it has become clear that existing traders in E&C shopping centre are not to be included in the developer's plans to rebuild the shopping centre.
After a three-year court battle Southwark Council is finally ordered to reveal the confidential documents used to reduce Lendlease's affordable housing contributions in its redevelopment of the Heygate estate.
All eyes have been on Southwark Council's controversial redevlopment of the Heygate estate and its low-profile acquisition of the London Park Hotel site has gone un-noticed - until now..
Southwark Council's unequitable decision to force Aylesbury estate Leaseholders out of their homes has met with increased resistance.
Southwark Council has chosen to take Aylesbury estate Leaseholders to court instead of negotiating with them. They surely didn't expect the level of resistance that they have been met with.
Southwark's planning committee battons down the hatches and unanimously approves controversial Aylesbury estate regeneration despite serious concerns raised by objectors.
Southwark Labour Councillors set to dutifuly fall in to line to approve controversial Aylesbury estate redevelopment.
Southwark Labour Council contributes an entire chapter to the Tories' new manifesto for the demolition of council estates.
Southwark Council's redevelopment partner for the regeneration of the Aylesbury estate is one of the core drivers behind the Tories' new re-classification of social rent levels.
What kind of housing association abandons the concept of social rented housing?
Southwark's commitment to social rented housing has all but been revealed.
Southwark Council begs developers to come and build in the borough - whatever! just build something! We are open for business!
Southwark continues to fight tooth-and-nail against publication of the confidential figures used by Lendlease to reduce the affordable housing offer on the redeveloped Heygate estate.
Finally all becomes clear as the first phase of the Aylesbury estate redevelopment is submitted. How many social rented homes? Will they be social rent or 80% market rent?
It appears that there is a revolving door between Southwark Councillors and property developers and their lobbyists.
When Southwark goes cap in hand to a property developers' Jamboree you need to ask what kind of homes they are begging the developers to build.
Whose regeneration?
What exactly is going on with these ambitious promises of 11,000 new council homes?
Elephant and Castle shopping Centre traders were supposed to be relocated as part of the regeneration but this is now in doubt.
Southwark fights back against claims that its deal with Lendlease will leave it out of pocket.
Notting Hill Housing Trust is Southwark's selected development partner for the Aylesbury estate regeneration but its CEO is the brainchild of the Tories' policy of abolishing social rented housing.
Is Southwark really going to subsidise the redevelopment of Elephant and Castle's transport networks when this was supposed to be paid for by developers?
Has Notting Hill Genesis really lobbied the Council to reduce its CIL contributions for the Aylesbury estate redevelopment?
Delancey cashes in on the the PRS (private rented sector) BTR (Build to Rent) bollocks.
Heygate Pyramid scheme set to divide opinion one way or the other.
Is demolishing council estates always better than refurbishing them?
More CPO acquisitions on the Aylesbury estate - who are the new homes being built for then?
Southwark's new development partner for the Aylsebury estate regeneration exposes their true colours.
This is the other side of the estate 'regeneration' process that rarely gets seen.
Southwark Council is yet again taking Aylesbury estate residents to court who don't want to leave their homes and accept a pittance in return.
Southwark has one rule for leaseholders who they're taking to court and a different rule for all the others.
Finally we have a verdict after 3 years of battling to get Southwark to release 'confidential' documents justifying Lendlease's reduction of affordable housing on the redeveloped Heygate estate.
Developer Delancey registers its Elephant & Castle land holdings offshore
All the shiny new towers at Elephant and Castle and how they address local housing need.